姓名:陈鹏宇 |
“骏马计划”B1特聘研究员 |
所属系: 工商管理 |
电子邮箱: cpy702018@163.com |
办公室: 经济管理学院426 |
研究方向是企业ESG、企业创新与环境法规评估,以独立作者/第一作者身份发表相关SCI或者SSCI论文20余篇,其中SCI中科院1区论文6篇,包含4篇高被引SCI,发表在Journal of Cleaner Production、Renewable Energy、Journal of Environmental Management;JCR 1区SSCI论文4篇,发表在Technology in Society、Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management与Sustainable Development。担任《PLOS ONE》、《Frontiers in Environmental Economics》等国外学术期刊的学术编辑及编委。
内蒙古大学 工商管理(“骏马计划”引入) 2023.09-至今
韩国檀国大学 经济学(博士) 2020.09-2023.08
韩国檀国大学 经济学(硕士) 2018.08-2020.08
中国矿业大学 采矿工程(本科) 2012.09-2016.08
[1] Chen, P., Zhang, Y., & Chu, Z. (2024). Exploring the influence of financial development on climate physical risk: insights from China. Climate Policy, 1-17. (JCR Q1 SSCI期刊,公共管理学顶刊,影响因子5.3)
[2] Chen, P., Chu, Z., Zhao, Y., & Li, Y. Is urban innovation capacity sha** new models of economic development? Evidence from the circular economy. Sustainable Development. (JCR Q1 SSCI期刊,影响因子12.5)
[3] Chen, P. (2024). Unlocking policy effects: Water resources management plans and urban water pollution. Journal of Environmental Management, 365, 121642. (中科院1区top期刊,影响因子8.7,ABS 3)
[4] Chen, P*., & Chu, Z. (2024). Mere facade? Is greenwashing behaviour lower in low‐carbon corporates?. Business Strategy and the Environment. (中科院1区top SSCI期刊,影响因子13.4,ABS 3)
[5] Chen, P*., & Dagestani, A. A. (2023). Greenwashing behavior and firm value–From the perspective of board characteristics. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. (JCR Q1 SSCI期刊,影响因子9.8,ABS 1)
[6] Chen, P., & Hao, Y*. (2022). Digital transformation and corporate environmental performance: The moderating role of board characteristics. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29(5), 1757-1767. (JCR Q1 SSCI期刊,影响因子9.8,ABS 1)
[7] Chen, P. (2023). Curse or blessing? The relationship between sustainable development plans for resource cities and corporate sustainability-Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management, 341, 117988.(中科院1区top期刊,影响因子8.7,ABS 3)
[8] Chen, P. (2022). Impact of distance between corporate registration and monitoring stations on environmental performance-Evidence from air quality monitoring stations. Journal of Environmental Management, 323, 116192. (中科院1区top期刊,影响因子8.7,ABS 3)
[9] Chen, P*., Chu, Z., & Zhao, M. (2023). The Road to corporate sustainability: The importance of artificial intelligence. Technology in Society, 102440. (中科院1区top SSCI期刊,影响因子9.2)
[10] Chen, P. (2022). Is the digital economy driving clean energy development? -New evidence from 276 cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 372, 133783. (中科院1区top期刊,影响因子11.1)
[11] Chen, P. (2023). Urban planning policy and clean energy development Harmony-evidence from smart city pilot policy in China. Renewable Energy, 210, 251-257. (中科院1区top期刊,影响因子8.7)
[12] Chen, P. (2023). What lies about circular economy practices and performance? Fresh insights from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 416, 137893. (中科院1区top期刊,影响因子11.1)
[13] Chen, P*., Zhao, R., & Chu, Z. (2023). The relationship between dynamic monitoring network plans and eco-efficiency–New evidence from atmospheric quality monitoring policy in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 348, 119297. (中科院1区top期刊,影响因子8.7,ABS 3)
[14] Chen, P*., & Li, J. (2023). Sustainable agricultural management: How to achieve carbon neutrality in agriculture–evidence from China agricultural sustainable development plan. Sustainable Development. (JCR Q1 SSCI期刊,影响因子12.5)